I am a personal trainer and a lover of teaching strength, alignment and activation. I love empowering women in making them feel stronger and more stable in their bodies. With building strength though, we need mobility and body awareness. Awareness of how our bodies move during the day, how they are meant to move and how to feel aligned. I want to help you in creating a lifestyle of exercising and eating in a balanced way that feels energizing in your body and that comes naturally to you.
Who I am
Hi, I’m Katrina! I was born and raised in Montana and have always loved being active playing in the mountains. I had a friend who invited me to a workout class in my early 20s and my passion for exercise began. I have been through many different layers of exercise classes, trying out new diets that restrict what I can and cannot eat, hating my body, making progress and feeling great, and ultimately going through this cycle over and over again until I truly found myself worthy. Worthy of taking care of myself, exercising to be strong and capable not because I hated how I look anymore. Worthy of wanting to put delicious, nourishing and fueling food into my body instead of tons of sugar and crap. Worthy of dealing with my past traumas and letting go of what society wanted me to be. I became in tune with what felt best in my body, what gave me energy to thrive throughout the day and what kind of exercise felt best for me. Then I had my first child and the process started all over again hahaha. This time I had compassion for myself because I knew how much work it was to grow a human and to birth this child into the world at home and naturally. My core was a wreck from Diastasis Recti, I had pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence (peeing my pants when I sneezed) and my vagina was so sore I couldn’t even walk properly for the first two weeks postpartum. Thankfully, I had completed my pre and postnatal certification while I was pregnant and had guidance from some of the worlds top experts on how to heal and strengthen my body postpartum. The journey took soooo much longer than I ever thought it would. I had all these people telling me the weight would just “fall off” they were very misguiding (though I understand they were trying to be kind and supportive). My point is, we all have different bodies and different journeys. Changing your body, especially a significant change like healing postpartum may take time like mine did, but honestly, I’m so happy that I had this journey. I have more respect for those who are trying to make changes, went through the process of loving myself again, and appreciating what my body is capable of with an extreme lack of sleep while nursing and raising a tiny human. Ultimately this has led me to where I am now, where you might be (searching for help in the chaos of too much information) and I want to be here for you! I definitely don’t know it all and I have a lot of learning to do as I always will (something I love about my career) but I am passionate about helping you get to a space where you feel beautiful in your own body again. Where you can love and appreciate your “flaws” and unconditionally love and appreciate your body as you do your child. We are in a relationship with ourselves just as much as anyone else in our lives and we have to be kind and respectful to be at peace with where we are.

Working out with Katrina at Open Heart Fitness has been such an encouragement. Each session challenges me in a new way and has taught me that building muscle and staying healthy doesn’t have to mean killing yourself at the gym.
Thanks for all you do, Katrina!
What I love about Katrina’s workouts is that they are so intimate and personalized! If you want to focus on a specific area of the body to tone up she will create a workout just for that! I also love the positive feedback during the workout. She is very encouraging and isn’t afraid to correct you if you’re doing a movement wrong. I always leave feeling better about myself and more motivated! 🙂

Certified Personal Trainer