OPEN HEART FITNESS 2022-02-18T16:21:36+00:00

Connecting your heart’s rhythm

Personal Trainer

Katrina Lalley NASM Certified


Hi, I’m Katrina

Hey there! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my webpage and congratulations to yourself for taking a step towards your health and fitness journey, that’s amazing! In the following pages you will find out more information about me and what I do to help people in their health and fitness journey.  I say journey because I am not about a quick fix to lose 20 pounds fast, extreme diets and killing yourself in the gym.  I am about making small habitual changes that are manageable and that can fit into your lifestyle no matter what is going on, because we all know life is unpredictable and that curve balls are thrown at us all the time.  I’m here to help you reach your goals in a way that is sustainable, that you can do from home, that will provide you with results slowly and that if adopted in a steady way, will stick with you for life.  I deeply congratulate you for being here and considering the first step in truly committing to yourself to become the best version of you that YOU can be!